Abdominal Bloating/Distension and
Abdomino-phrenic dyssynergia

Terri Robertson Elder fills in for Tracy Sher and interviews Susan Clinton.


  • 2 hours

  • NY CEUs available
  • For other states, check for reciprocation or individual application



  • Medical and Fitness Professionals
  • No pre-requisites
Write your awesome label here.

What can I expect?

Susan gives a slide presentation on Abdominal Bloating/Distention and Abdomino-Phrenic Dyssenergia followed by an interactive Q and A. 

Topics covered include:
  • Diagnosis
  • Risk factors
  • IBS and SIBO
  • Treatment including exercise progression and retraining breathing ideas
  • Eating and dietary adaptations

What will I Learn?

At the end of this webinar the audience will:

1) Understand the most up to date information of bloating/distention and the abdomino-phrenic response to gas and visceral pain.

2) Implement three intervention strategies that can positively impact bloating/distention and the abdomino-phrenic response to gas and visceral pain. 
Feel comfortable navigating psychosocial nuances while learning practical skills to do so. 

Do you want to watch THIS webinar and ALL of our other webinars for one yearly price? 

The Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership offering features designed to help you grow your clinical skills and build your business. 
  • Webinars: an amazing set of webinars (like this one) that are all included in the membership with the ability to be present at the live recording and ask questions to the presenters.
  • Illustrations: We have an illustration that creates anatomy illustrations for us. We are constantly looking for ways of presenting the anatomy in ways that are more accurate and descriptive.
  • Handouts: Using the illustrations and an amazing team of colleagues to help review, we create a collection of handouts for you to use with your patients/clients!
  • Premiere Directory Listing: While anyone can have a free directory listing, GPHAM members get to have a profile picture, live links, and photo galleries to stand out. 
  • Global Pelvic Health Support Community: In addition to resources, you can also ask to join the private FB page with hundreds of multidisciplinary professionals from around the world to help you out!

Tracy Sher, PT, DPT, CSCS - Your Host

Tracy Sher is a pelvic physical therapist and is the founder of Pelvic Guru, Pelvic Guru Academy, and the Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership. She is also an instructor for Pelvic Guru Academy, teaching Pudendal Neuralgia and Complex Pelvic Pain Solutions. 

Susan C. Clinton

Susan is the owner of LTI Physio in Sault Ste. Marie, MI and is an international instructor/mentor in women’s health, orthopedic manual therapy, health/wellness coaching and business psychology. Susan incorporates the principles of Positive Intelligence to improve her client’s mental fitness to achieve improvements in wellness, performance and relationships. She is on faculty at Andrews University, NAIOMT and ASPIRE. She also serves as a Master Coach for the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, Co-founder and board member: Global Women’s Health Initiative. Reviewer and Advisory board for the Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. Co-host of podcasts, “Tough to Treat,” and “The Genius Project”.