See why so many pelvic health professionals rely on our membership for career and clinical support.
You know so much and you CAN do it all... but there are only so many hours in a day and...
You feel like you're MISSING SOMETHING because "everyone else knows the answer to this clinical question"...
You wonder how to offer NEW TYPES OF SERVICES but you're not sure who to ask about it...
You have some clinical questions about a current case and you need info FAST. You need someone to ask...
You don't have time to take ALL OF THE COURSES and go to ALL OF THE CONFERENCES even though you really want to hear those world-class experts present...
You need a group of like-minded professionals to help keep you ACCOUNTABLE to reach your goals.
You're still using stick figures and OLD HANDOUTS from 10 years ago because it just takes too long to update it all or you aren't sure about copyright issues...
For pelvic health providers at any level who want to feel supported with a collaborative team in the process!
Write your awesome label here.
We've got your back and we're listening to your needs!
Join the
Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership (GPHAM)
You're doing you're best... but... IT'S A LOT
And then when we pile on family commitments, kids, the hustle of being an entrepreneur, relationships... it's EXHAUSTING!
There's an easier way to feel supported and havesomeone else do some of the work for you.
We know! We've been there. We've developed a system to get you the support you need to flourish at doing the things you love.
Write your awesome label here.
Joining a tried and true group who issupporting each other and taking advantageof a growing collection of resources isn't justa dream...
We've created it.
Stop doing it on your own and join a groupthat is here to support you in your endeavors!
The Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership (GPHAM) is a pelvic health success system that gives you all that you need IN ONE PLACE.
What's included in GPHAM?
- Expert Webinars
- Professional Anatomy Illustrations
- Patient Education Handouts
- Professional Support Group
- Exclusive GPHAM webinar podcast
- Exclusive podcast access to the Pelvic Therapy Journal Club Podcast
- Live In-Person and Online Meetups
- And extra 10% OFF all of our courses (you still get 90+ FREE webinars)
- Complimentary Access to our virtual conferences!

Write your awesome label here.
Recorded Mentoring Sessions with Dr. Tracy Sher!
Break down topics like pelvic pain, prolapse, diastasis recti, menopause, and much more with case studies and deep dives into the topics!
In this membership, you'll be able to take advantage of...
Save Time.
Save Energy.
Get Connected.
Let me ask you a question...
When is the last time you felt supported in your business or clinical career?
The Global Pelvic Health Alliance Membership will help you reach your goals in your career if you use the system.
If you are...
Write your awesome label here.
What kind of results do you want?

Some of you might be building a clinical business. We know that can be hard.
Learn from our struggles and wins.You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
In a recent anonymous survey, look whatour members had to say:
Will this work for me?
GPHAM is designed to provide valuable resources to help with clinical skills as well as business and marketing growth. Is that you?
You can become part of our pelvic health movement!
But more importantly, you'll feel like you've got some support and breathing room because we've done so much of the work for you!
Write your awesome label here.
Here's what having support in your pelvic health career feels like:
Time for some real-talk.
You have two choices.
Keep spending time and energy on creating things from scratch and searching for the best available information.
Write your awesome label here.
Join a group that does much of this work for you and provides you with asense of community!
Write your awesome label here.
This membership contains benefits that save our members time and money!
Below you'll see the samples of all of the included content!
- Expert Webinars
- Professional Anatomy Illustrations
- Patient Education Handouts
- Professional Support Group
- Exclusive GPHAM webinar podcast
- Exclusive podcast access to the Pelvic Therapy Journal Club Podcast
- Live In-Person and Online Meetups
- And extra 10% OFF all of our courses (you still get 90+ FREE webinars)
- Complimentary Access to our virtual conferences!
GPHAM Expert Webinars
Write your awesome label here.
Pelvic Global images with logos!
Professional Illustrations
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Our GPHAM Facebook Community is robust with many colleagues present to work together on tough clinical and business questions.
Live (in-person and online) meetups!
Live (in-person and online) meetups!
Discounts on Pelvic Global Academy Courses
- That's IN ADDITION TO all of the free webinars that you get as a member.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Exclusive Access GPHAM Podcast
Pelvic Therapy Journal Club Podcast with Beth Shelly
Get access to the Pelvic Health Journal Club Podcast with Beth Shelly, which offers a discussion of the current literature in the field of pelvic therapy and features guest experts every month.
Write your awesome label here.
This incredible stack of bonuses is available when you join!
This membership contains benefits that will save you time and money.
Write your awesome label here.
See what our community says about this membership. We'd love for you to join us.

"Being a private practice owner it is nice to feel a part of a community where you can reach out for help whether it be clinical or business. "
"I've grown in my knowledge, had time to devote more to patients because the illustrations and handouts are ready to go and I can review with clients without having to make them from scratch. I have gained connections with other professionals across the states and have been able to learn more through all the webinars and content included. I've also gained a few new clients through the directory listing."
"It has given me confidence and a place to fall back on for clear and trustworthy knowledge for my business sticking points as well as clinically challenging cases. Non-judgmental helping me with easier cases too and supportive since I have not been in pelvic health for my whole career."